What Is A Bench Grinder?
May 24, 2024

What Is A Bench Grinder?

A bench grinder is an appliance that is used to sharpen other tools. It is a must-have for your home workshop. Bench grinder has wheels that you can use for grinding, sharpening tools, or shaping some objects.

The Motor
The motor is the middle portion of a bench grinder. The speed of the motor determines what type of work a bench grinder can perform. On average the speed of a bench grinder can be 3000-3600 rpm( revolutions per minute). The more the speed of the motor the faster you can get your work done.

Grinding Wheels
The size, material, and texture of the grinding wheel determine a bench grinder’s function. A bench grinder usually has two different wheels- a coarse wheel, which is used for carrying out the heavy work, and a fine wheel, used for polishing or shining. The average diameter of a bench grinder is 6-8 inches.

Eyeshield and Wheel Guard
Eyeshield protects your eyes from flyaway pieces of the object that you are sharpening. A wheel guard protects you from the sparks generated by friction and heat. 75% of the wheel should be covered by a wheel guard. You shouldn’t by any means run a bench grinder without a wheel guard.

Tool Rest
Tool rest is a platform where you rest your tools when you are adjusting it. Consistency of pressure and direction is necessary while working with a bench grinder. This tool rest ensures a balanced state of pressure and good workmanship.

Here are some crucial steps that you have to maintain while using the bench grinder.

Keep a Pot Full Of Water Nearby
When you grind a metal such as steel with a bench grinder the metal becomes extremely hot. The heat can damage or deform the edge of the tool. To cool it down at a regular interval you need to dip it in water. The best way to avoid edge deformation is to hold the tool to the grinder only for a few seconds and then dip it in water.

Use Low-Speed Grinder
If your primary use of a bench grinder Is to sharpen your tools, consider using a low-speed grinder. It will allow you to learn the ropes of a bench grinder. The low speed will also protect the tools from heating up.

Adjust the Tool Rest According To Your Desired Angle
The tool rest of a bench grinder is adjustable to any desired angle. You can make an angle gauge with cardboard to place on the tool rest and adjust its angle.

Know When to Stop The Wheel
When you grind a blunt edge in a bench grinder the sparks go downward and the wheel guard can keep them away. As the edge gets sharper with grinding the sparks fly upward. Keep an eye out for the sparks to know when to finish grinding.

Safety Tips
As a bench grinder uses friction to sharpen tools or shape objects, it emits a lot of sparks. You need to be cautious and wear gloves and safety goggles while working with a bench grinder. As you grind an object with a bench grinder try not to hold the object in the same place for a long time. Move its position frequently so the friction doesn’t produce heat at the contact point of the object.


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