How to Use a Bench Grinder
A bench grinder can be used to grind, cut or shape metal. You can use the machine to grind down sharp edges or smooth burrs off metal. You can also use a bench grinder to sharpen metal pieces -- for example, saw blades.
1. Check the machine first.
Perform a safety check before turning the grinder on.
Make sure the grinder is tightly secured to the bench.
Check that the tool rest is in place on the grinder. The tool rest is where the metal item will rest as you grind it. The rest should be secured in place so there is a 0.2 mm space between it and the grinding wheel.
Clear the area around the grinder of objects and debris. There should be enough space to easily push the piece of metal you are working with back and forth on the grinder.
2. Protect yourself from flying metal sparks. Wear safety glasses, ear plugs and a face mask to protect yourself from grinding dust.
3. Turn the bench grinder on. Stand to the side until the grinder reaches maximum speed.
4. Work the piece of metal. Move so you are directly in front of the grinder. Holding the metal tightly in both hands, place it on the tool rest and slowly push it towards the grinder until it touches the edge only. Do not allow the metal to touch the sides of the grinder at any time.
1. Check the machine first.
Perform a safety check before turning the grinder on.
Make sure the grinder is tightly secured to the bench.
Check that the tool rest is in place on the grinder. The tool rest is where the metal item will rest as you grind it. The rest should be secured in place so there is a 0.2 mm space between it and the grinding wheel.
Clear the area around the grinder of objects and debris. There should be enough space to easily push the piece of metal you are working with back and forth on the grinder.
2. Protect yourself from flying metal sparks. Wear safety glasses, ear plugs and a face mask to protect yourself from grinding dust.
3. Turn the bench grinder on. Stand to the side until the grinder reaches maximum speed.
4. Work the piece of metal. Move so you are directly in front of the grinder. Holding the metal tightly in both hands, place it on the tool rest and slowly push it towards the grinder until it touches the edge only. Do not allow the metal to touch the sides of the grinder at any time.