1. Never use the belt & disc sander until you have been trained on and
understand the safety issues and procedures specific to the sanders.
Obtain advice from woodshop manager if you are not thoroughly familiar with the operation of the disc & belt sander.
2. Plan ahead, think of the sequence of steps in what you are making.
Think about where your hands are going to be placed before, during,
and after the operation.
3. Pay attention to your" gut feeling" or that "little voice in the back of
your head". If something doesn't feel right or if an operation feels
dangerous then it probably is. So STOP and think it throug. There is probably a safer way to do the operation.
4. Check that the sander is in working condition. Get in the habit of doing a "pre-flight" checking procedure. The following should be checked before use:
a. Is the table clear of debris?
b. Is the area around the sander clear of scraps of wood and saw
c. Is the table in a locked position?
d. Check the condition of the belt or disc, is it torn or loose?
e. Does the belt or disc need to be cleaned?
5. Like all machines you must give the disc & belt sander your undivided attention during use. Once you have begun using the sander, do not look up at activity that may be happening around you or engage in conversation until you are finished.
6. Always wear eye protection. A dust mask is also recommended.
7. Do Not wear loose clothing or gloves. Remove watch, all jewelry and tie back long hair or beards. You do not want to get pulled into the
abrasive belt or disc. There is NO time to pull yourself away.
8. Do Not make any adjustments on the machine while the machine is
9.Turn on dust collection system.
Belt & Disc Sander Safety Guidelines -1

Tags: Belt disc sander