Belt & Disc Sander Safety Guidelines -2
August 01, 2022

Belt & Disc Sander Safety Guidelines -2

10. ONLY wood can be sanded on these machines. NO plastics and NO metals.

11. Be aware of the size of the material you are sanding. Too small or thin of a piece of wood puts your fingers and hands in jeopardy. Keep your fingers a few inches away from the disc and belt.

12. ALWAYS sand on the downward side of the disc (Left side) when using the disc portion of the machine. Sanding on the upward side of the disc could cause the work piece to fly up which could be dangerous.

13. Only have the piece of wood you are working with placed on the table of the disc or belt sander. Store all other pieces of wood on a cart or a bench table.

14. Do Not have the wood in contact with the belt / disc when you turn it on. Let it come up to full speed before beginning to sand.

15. Keep the wood held to the table at all time on the disc sander and
vertical belt sander.

16. Sand lightly; do not force wood into the belt or disc.

17.Keep the wood moving across the belt or downward side of the disc to avoid wearing out or burning a portion of the belt or disc.

18. Clean the belt or disc with the rubber stick periodically as you are working and when you are finished. Clean the belt/ disc, turn off the machine, sweep up around the machine; and throw away any scraps.


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